Monday 8 July 2013

Mid Life Crisis Challenge

Iv been feeling a little out of sorts lately which is what has inspired this challenge. Iv had a few hospital & doctor visits which still haven't diagnosed my issue, I've had a lot of stress in my business and come close to throwing in the towel a few times, I'm tired from running a business and working an extra job too (see living on a budget)I'm conscious my son isn't happy at school right now and trying to motivate him ready for his important year ahead in September when it will be GCSE time, the same son has also had some hospital visits and at one point we thought he may have a brain tumour which thankfully he doesn't. Then dealing with emotions following my relationship break up, juggling finances to keep within my strict budget, feeling a bit fed up that I cant justify the expense of a holiday despite us all probably benefiting from one, realising that despite being happy that my relationship ending & it has made me happy, happy for me usually means too much socialising, eating, drinking and being merry, which means muffin top increasing more that I would like & id felt amazing loosing 3 stone recently ( a stone and a bit now back on) just generally demotivated and fed up in all areas and the biggest thing on my mind is the big 40..... Its another 18 months before I'm 40, but its getting closer and closer and closer.... I sat watching Coronation Street a few weeks ago and suddenly thought to myself... Is this it? Is this what my life has become? I'm unhappy in my body, I'm unhappy in my job, I spend far too much time alone in front of the TV, I have far too much boring routine, I spend far too much time in the pub with friends that have a drinking issue and really aren't friends more drinking buddies, I eat far too much rubbish that I don't realise I'm eating when I'm bored.. Frustrated that I'm keen to see the world and feel trapped by my business, money, schooling, mortgages etc etc ... so after much discussions with myself... I have decided its all going to change, I don't need to wait for old age or to meet a man before I can start enjoying my life, I can do it now. I also am now going to completely change my perception of the rest of my life, instead of looking at being 40 as a negative thing, I'm going to embrace my 40's, draw a line under the last 40 years which has been full of tragedy, negative people, bad relationships, divorce, money troubles & a childhood id rather forget & have a happy ever after that I can control and I can make happen.. So the challenge is changing my life, doing things I would never think of doing in my pre mid life crisis, a complete life makeover. To follow will be each of my challenges that I set myself or friends & family set. I will blog about it and put photos on where possible, Its going to include every area of my life and by the time I reach that birthday I will be a brand new Emma with a much happier, positive outlook on my life.

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